Practice Policies

Patient Confidentiality and Data Protection

We ask you for personal information so that you can receive care and treatment.  This information is recorded on computer and we are registered under the Data Protection Act.  The Practice will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the Practice team.  However, for the effective functioning of a multi-disciplinary team it is necessary that medical information about you is shared between members of the Practice team.  Some patient information may have to be shared with Clinical Staff out with the Practice (i.e. hospital staff)


All staff operate within strict guidelines regarding confidentiality. In addition to this certain reviews of our Practice are undertaken and these also operate under strict ethical guidelines.

Training Regulations

As a Training Practice at least every 3 years we may receive a visit from NHS Education for Scotland to ensure that we are doing what is necessary for us to remain accredited as a Training Practice.   This may involve someone from NES looking at a few medical records of patients in this surgery.  All information is “STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL”.

Payment Verification

Certain services that we provide attract payments that the Practice have to claim and verify.  This will involve NHS staff coming into the Practice to check.  These checks will be done routinely and the staff may require access to medical records.  Again all information is “STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL”.

Thus in this restricted scenario:

1) Records may be viewed by persons outside the primary care team which provides their care.

2) The purpose of such disclosure is strictly limited to a verification process which is required to ensure Practice compliance with educational standards for trainee doctors.

3) The visit team are all subject to a strict duty of confidentiality.

4) Any patient may object to the whole, or any part, of the inspection of their own medical records and that their objection will be respected.


SPIRE is a service run by NHS Scotland that allows small amounts of information from GP practice records to be used to help doctors surgeries, NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government to improve care and plan services, and to help researchers to learn more from patient information held at GP practices.  To find our more go to or  call NHS Inform on 0800 22 44 88.  If you would like to opt out of this please let the reception staff know and your records will be updated.

Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities

We as a practice aim to treat our patients with respect and adhere to the rules concerning patient confidentiality.  In return we expect the patient’s to treat doctors and staff with courtesy.

Patients have a responsibility to cancel any appointments that they make and which are no longer required and to turn up on time (unless of course there is some situation outwith their control). This helps us run a service that meets the needs of all and avoids wasted appointment slots.

Educational Aspects of the Practice

We are all committed to staying abreast of the ever-changing world of Medicine.  The doctors take 5 days study leave each year to attend courses for their continuing professional development. They are appraised annually by a doctor external to the Practice and in are fully engaged in the compulsory revalidation programme for doctors. In addition it may interest you to know that the Practice hold regular in house training meetings to look at developments in medicine and to share our own knowledge and skills.

Zero Tolerance for Abusive Behaviour

We strongly support the NHS policy on zero tolerance.  Anyone attending the Surgery who abuses the GPs, staff or other patients be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will risk removal from the Practice list.  In extreme cases we may summon the Police to remove offenders from the Practice premises.

Problems / Concerns / Suggestions                            

We try as far as possible to provide an accessible service that will meet your needs.  If you are ever unhappy about any aspect of your care, you should first raise the matter with your doctor.  The doctor will be happy to discuss your concerns with you.  All suggestions for improvements in our service will be welcomed and seriously considered.

Should you have any unresolved issues the Practice has a formal complaints procedure and you should ask at reception for a complaints form.  The Practice Manager will send an acknowledgement of the complaint within 3 working days.  The complaint will then be investigated.

We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and with the person concerned. If your problem cannot be sorted out this way, and you wish to make a complaint, we would like you to let us know, in writing as soon as possible, ideally within a matter of days or at most a few weeks, as this will enable us to establish what happened more easily. If it is not possible to do this please let us have details of your complain

  • Within 6 months of the incident that caused the problem; or
  • Within 6 month of discovering that you have a problem, provided this is within 12 months of the incident

Complaints should be made in writing to Gillian Lowe, Practice Manager. You may ask for an appointment with the manager, following receipt of your letter of complaint, in order to discuss your concerns. She will explain the complaints procedure to you and will make sure that your concerns are dealt with promptly. It will be of great help if you are as specific as possible about your complaint.

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