
Routine telephone appointments (to discuss test results, medication reviews and other non-urgent matters) can be booked with a doctor of your choice 2-3 weeks in advance.

For other more urgent matters, on the day appointments are available each day and you can choose between a telephone appointment or a face to face appointment. Our reception staff are trained to direct you to the most appropriate healthcare professional, so they will ask you for a short summary of why you are calling. Please be patient and respectful of our staff - everyone is working as hard as they can.

Phone lines open at 8.30am each day and are extremely busy between 8.30am and 10.00am, as patients are asked to call at this time for 'on the day appointments'.  Please try and phone during this time only if you feel you need seen on the day.

Once all the appointments for the day are allocated, you will be asked to phone back the next day. If you feel that your issue is urgent and cannot wait until the next day, you will be added to the Duty Doctor's list. This can be extremely busy so please be patient while you wait to be called. Please ensure you give the correct phone number and stay by your phone. You may be asked to attend the Surgery to be examined by the Duty Doctor.

Busy Times

For routine matter (e.g. for test results, routine appointments, nurse appointments, blood test appointments, queries about medications and clerical matters, etc.)  please  try to wait until after 10.30am to call the Practice. Phone lines will be far less busy.

Telephone Consultations

Patients wishing to speak to the doctor can book a telephone consultation where the Doctor will call the patient back during the day.  On occasions due to workload some calls can be after 6pm.   


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. There has been an increase in the number of missed appointments in recent months. This adds pressure to an extremely busy system and makes it harder for everyone to get an appointment.

Minor Ailments Scheme

You can access this scheme by going into the chemist and speaking to the Pharmacist and they will advise you if you need to see a doctor. If you are advised to see a doctor, please phone the surgery in the usual manner. 

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